Modern Diets

Modern Diets
Baulkham Hills Dental
We’re more health conscious than ever these days. So going on a diet to improve our health, which usually means losing some weight, is often a good idea. But occasionally we might not be aware of the side effects that some diets produce.
Diets can affect our dental health, including our breath. More than a few modern diets have been known to give us bad breath.

Dental Baulkham Hills
A few modern diets include Keto, Atkins and Paleo. These have something in common, they all limit or remove carbohydrates. This is because removal of carbs forces the body to burn fat, hence the steady weight loss. In a way these diets are the opposite of modern; they try to return us to the type of eating patterns that our distant ancestors followed. The idea is that this type of food intake is what our bodies were originally designed/evolved to eat. So these diets actually remove modern processed foods.
This downside is that low carb diets can cause bad breath. Burning fat causes the production of some harsh chemicals like acetone, so our breath smells harsh.
We can deal with bad breath a few ways:
• Take a teaspoon of chlorophyll, this deodorizes our body to some degree.
• Chew some parsley
• Super free gum will help reduce bad breath
• Green tea reduces bad breath
• Drink plenty of water
• Be super diligent about brushing, and use mouthwash.

Alternate diets – Dentist Baulkham Hills
It might be a good idea to follow a different diet if the bad breath persists. Or if we suffer other health problems like fatigue or poor memory.
• Limit or remove processed foods
• Get rid of trans fat
• Reduce or limit fired food.
• Limit sugar. Find substitutes like Stevia or Xylitol
• Get rid of anything that stick to the teeth, like crackers or chips

Consider super healthy diets like the Mediterranean diet. These are easier to maintain that other diets and are effective for long term health and weight loss. They also avoid problems with bad breath.

Modern Diets

Modern Diets

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