Canker Sores
Dentist Baulkham Hills
Canker sores may seem like an annoying inconvenience. But they might also be a symptom of an underlying problem.
Canker sores are small ulcers in the mouth. They occur in about 20% of the population, more frequently in children and teenagers. Many people experience these sores for a few years in their youth, only to have them disappear before they are adults.
Canker sores are benign, not posing a serious threat to health. And they are not infectious. But it is easy to confuse canker sores with mouth cancer, which is serious. A mouth sore that does not disappear after 2 week might be a serious problem then needs to be checked by the dentist.
Baulkham Hills Dentist
Individual Canker sores last for about a week before they heal on their own accord, they may last longer if they rub against teeth or dental braces. They may come and go in stages, perhaps 3-6 times per year.
The cause of canker sores is still uncertain, but different individuals find that different foods or conditions will cause an outbreak. Basically, they are like an allergic reaction, with different people having a different allergic reaction that show the same symptoms.
Dental Baulkham Hills
Preventing canker sores can be tricky. In a few cases they can be traced back to a reaction to a certain acidic food. In more cases it is a matter of holistically improving the entire body health, eating a better balanced diet and improving gut bacteria. A super healthy individual will have less issues with canker sores, but perhaps still not be entirely free of the problem. Often, the individual finds that they are just a stage they go though during adolescence, disappearing when they become adults.
Baulkham Hills Dental
Good oral hygiene will help prevent canker sores to some extent. This will also prevents the sores from acquiring a secondary infection.
Many toothpastes will aggravate the pain of canker sores. This aggravation is causes by the foaming agent (sodium Lauryl Sulfate) in the paste. A few toothpaste are free form this flaming agent, and will cause far less pain. These toothpastes also seem to reduce the re-occurrence of the sores.
– Use non foaming toothpaste, free from Sodium Lauryl Sulfate.
– Use mouthwash without alcohol and free from Sodium Lauryl Sulfate.
– Avoid spicy and acidic foods for a time to see if these are triggering the problem.
– Avoid alcohol and tobacco.
– Eat a super healthy diet so you get all the micro-nutrients.
– Use a salt water rinse several times per day. Or a Bicarb of soda rinse.
– Drink plenty of water.
– Get some vitamins preferably from food, or tablets if necessary.
– It helps to eat Raw tomato, turmeric, and natural yogurt as these seem to relieve the pain and help heal the sores.
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