Dentist Bella Vista Dental

What are Back Molar Dental Sealants?


Problem Molar Teeth – Dentist Bella Vista

Our back molar teeth are important for chewing food. Their top surface is rough and grooved for this very purpose. But sometimes this rough top surface can cause problems. Food debris can get trapped in the grooves of molar teeth. And because some of these grooves are tiny a toothbrush has trouble removing this debris. This leaves the top of the molar tooth is prone to decay.

Dental Sealants – Bella Vista Dentist

Dental sealants address the problem with grooved back teeth. The sealant fills in the smaller spaces in the tooth surface, preventing food from being stuck there. At the same time the larger grooves in the tooth are unaffected, so the top surface is still ideal for chewing.
Dental sealants are clear or white in colour, so they are almost invisible on a tooth surface. They protect the back molar teeth while remaining virtually unnoticeable.

Applying Dental Sealants – Dental Bella Vista

Dental sealants are best applied when the molars first emerge, while we are young. This is a preventative measure, so the molar teeth don’t have a change to be damaged. The sealant lasts for several years (seven years is typical) before it needs replacing. Dentists check this when you have your regular visit every six months.
It is fairly common for dentists to apply sealants to a child’s baby teeth. This prevent problems early on that might carry over to the permanent teeth.
The dentist may have put sealants on your teeth without your knowledge. Many people had these put on during their teen years, and do not realize that they still have them.

Bella Vista Dental

Unfortunately sealants can only be applied to the tops of back molar teeth, and not the other teeth. They need a slightly rough surface in order to bond adequately. This means they cannot be used on the smooth surface of front teeth.

Dentist Bella Vista

Dentists like to take preventative measures, so they teeth do not suffer damage or need repair later. Talk to the dentist about sealants.

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