Dentist Castle Hill

Bad Breath

Dentist Castle Hill

Nobody wants bad breath. It is an embarrassment, and possibly a symptom of an underlying problem.

We might have bad breath because of poor dental hygiene, because of a gum infection, because of a poor diet, or perhaps an imbalance of gut bacteria.

Castle Hill Dentist

Our first thought should be towards cleaning out teeth and gum. This is not too difficult, we just need to brush twice daily, floss and use mouthwash. we should also scrape our tongue.

Cleaning both helps our breath in the short term, and prevents most long term problems like gum infections and tooth decays.

If cleaning does not remove the bad breath probelm we should have a dentist check to see if there is an underlying cause.

Dental Castle Hill

Some fresh breath tips:

– Brush twice daily, and floss once daily.
– Drink plenty of water. This keep the mouth moist. Bacteria will increase in a dry mouth
– Drink green tea – This fights bacteria and freshens breath
– Chew sugar free gum. This keeps the mouth hydrated. Gum with Xylitol sweetener will fight bacteria that causes tooth decay.
– Use a tongue scrapper
– Cut out as much junk food and sugar as possible
– Use mouth wash several times per day
– Chew some parsley a few times per day.
– Fresh breath mints (without sugar) can help.
– Look at diet. Low Carb diets will give bad breath for at least the first few weeks.
– Quit smoking and ecigarettes
– Take a pro-biotic. Bad gut bacteria will cause bad breath.
– Take some pre-biotics, to feed the healthy bacteria in the gut. Cold rice and cold potatoes (left in the fridge overnight) work quite well for this.

Castle Hill Dental

Have a dental check-up to see if there are any underlying reasons for your bad breath. Or just to make sure that everything is as good as it can be.

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