Dental Kellyville
Few of us have naturally straight teeth. Most of us have some form of straightening, occasionally as adults, but more often using braces during our teens.
Braces are one of the great dental innovations of the 20th century, proving so effective that they came into widespread use. Teenagers with braces are a common and accepted sight.
Braces can move individual teeth horizontally and vertically, so that all the teeth look neat and function well. Braces can also fix many jaw problems, like minor under-bite or overbite, or a jaw that is slightly asymmetrical.
The optimal time to have braces is when the adult teeth are all in place, usually our mid-teens. But is is possible to have braces as an adult. The advantage of having them earlier is that we spend more of our life with straight teeth. About the only small disadvantage to having braces early is that the wisdom teeth that emerge latter on may cause problems. But most people have their wisdom teeth removed, whether they had braces or not.
Kellyville Dental
Braces work by putting constant pressure on the teeth to steadily move them into a neat alignment. This is uncomfortable, and actually painful at first. But it is less extreme than surgery, and we quickly grow use to the situation when we are wearing braces.
Most braces are made with a nickle alloy. This metal resists corrosion, and works well for most people. But a few people have an allergy to nickle. They require titanium or gold braces.
Dentist Kellyville
Less than perfect teeth can be corrected, so they look great and function with no problems. Talk to the dentist about braces, at any age.
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