Dentist Kellyville. Kellyville Dentist.

Looking After Tooth Enamel

Tooth Enamel – Dentist Kellyville

Our teeth have three basic layers. There is an inner nerve, the surrounding pulp, and the outer enamel. This outer enamel is the hardest substance in the human body. Anything that damages a tooth must get through this outer enamel layer, or perhaps enter the tooth through the root in the gum. Despite being quite hard this enamel is prone to damage from acidic condition in the mouth. Once the outer enamel is damaged to the rest of the tooth is very vulnerable.

Dentist Kellyville – Damage to Tooth Enamel

Tooth enamel can be damaged by acidic conditions in the mouth. Acidic conditions are created by our diet, though some individuals can have a genetic disposition to slightly acidic saliva. In either case, it is best for the teeth to reduce these acidic conditions as much as possible.

If we have a diet high in sugar, then we will inadvertently increase the bad bacteria in our mouths. These bad bacteria feed on sugar creating both the acidic conditions and plaque that damage teeth.

There are two basic and effective ways to reduce the acidic conditions on our mouth. One is to reduce the sugar in our diet as much as possible. We can use sugar substitutes whenever possible, and we can avoid junk food which is loaded with sugar. We should also avoid simple carbohydrates (bread, crackers … etc.) which quickly turn to sugar. But avoiding sugar, simple carbs. and junk food we reduce the bad bacteria which feed on these items.

The second method is to diligently brush twice daily and floss once per day. This cleaning will remove sugar and bacteria. Using mouthwash, preferably with fluoride, is also beneficial. This mouthwash should be used in addition to the brushing and flossing, not as a replacement method.

Drinking more water and chewing sugar-free gum will help reduce bad bacteria and acidic condition in our mouth.

A further issue with acidic conditions in the mouth are acidic drinks. Fruit juice, soft drink and sports drinks are quite acidic. This includes diet soft drinks which have no sugar. These are almost as bad as normal soft drinks. Removing these drinks from our diet will reduce dental problems.


Dentist Kellyville – An Older Mistake.

Previous generations were told to brush their teeth as soon as they had finished eating. This has now been shown to be a mistake. Many foods and drinks, especially acidic one, will temporarily weaken tooth enamel. If we brush our teeth while the enamel is weak then we quickly wear the tooth away.

It is best to wait 30 minutes after eating or drinking before brushing our teeth. We can drink water or chew sugar-free gum after eating to help clean our mouth without causing and damage to the teeth.


Dentist Kellyville

Looking for a Kellyville Dentist? We believe you deserve the best dental health, and the best smile possible. Call us about avoiding dental issues and fixing any dental issues that may have occurred in the past.


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Dentist Kellyville


Various mouthguards – Dentist Kellyville

There are several types of mouthguard. Some serve different purposes. There are also cheaper options and custom-made mouthguards.

Dentist Kellyville – Sports mouthguards

Contact sports always carry a risk of injury. We can greatly reduce this risk by practicing good technique and using the appropriate safety equipment.

A mouthguard will reduce injuries to the teeth and jaw. It won’t stop the accident, but it will reduce the extent of the damage. A bad impact to the mouth will risk the loss of teeth. But if we are wearing a mouthguard we will probably escape with a bruise.

There are several mouthguard options for sports. The cheapest is a generic mouthguard. This provides reasonable protection, but will tend to be uncomfortable. Some people are lucky and find a generic mouthguard that fits neatly into their mouth. But most of us are not generic.

A better option is the type of mouthguard that is boiled before use. The mouthguard is softened by the boiling. It then moulds to the shape of the individual’s mouth when bitten into.

The best type of mouthguard is custom made by the dentist. This is specifically made to be comfortable, and provide near optimal protection. We find that people are more likely to use the mouthguard when it is comfortable.

Wash the mouthguard after each use. And store it in the protective case once it has dried.

Some sport groups have made mouthguards mandatory.


Dentist Kellyville – Sleeping mouthguards

There are a few reasons why we might need a mouthguard for sleeping. The most common is teeth grinding. The reasons behind teeth grinding are often psychological, or occasionally due to a sore tooth. But whatever the underlying reason the grinding will quickly cause damage.

A mouthguard will prevent teeth from the damage that usually occurs from grinding our jaw. It will also reduce stress on the muscles and joints, which should be less sore when we awake. The underlying reason for the teeth grinding should be addressed as soon as possible.

We might also wear a mouthguard because of breathing issues. Ideally, we should breath through our nose. But some of us will inadvertently breath though our mouth while asleep, often the cause of snoring, a dry throat, and poor sleep. A mouthguard will sometimes be enough to rectify this issue. The mouthguard will hold the jaw in a comfortable position that makes nasal breathing easier.

Dentist Kellyville

Dentists encourage preventative measures. Diligent cleaning prevents problems. A custom mouthguard reduces injury from contact sports.




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Dentist Kellyville

Preventative Dental Treatment

There is a proactive way to deal with dental care. Firstly, we should take all the necessary measures to prevent problems. Secondly, any problems that do occur should be treated as promptly as possible.

Most of us know the basic ideas here. Our grandparent generation advised us to brush our teeth and eat a healthy diet. But while this advice is quite correct, the ideals about healthy diets and optimal brushing have changed.

Furthermore, we now realize that some issues that were previously beyond our control, like crooked teeth, contribute to tooth decay and gum disease. Crooked teeth can be awkward to clean.

Preventative Care

  • Healthy Brushing – Twice daily brushing will go a long way to preventing tooth decay and gum infections. This has been well-known for many years. More recently we have learnt to wait for 30 minutes after eating before brushing. This is because eating and drinking will soften tooth enamel. So if we brush too soon we wear that enamel away, leaving us with teeth sensitive to hot and cold temperatures.
  • Flossing – About 30% of the tooth surface is between the teeth. Brushes will not reach this space. So either we floss or use a Waterpik to clean this space. An ultrasonic toothbrush is another alternative as the vibrations break down plaque and bacteria. There is a risk of bad bacteria in our mouth getting into our bloodstream via bleeding gums. This is an issue if we have neglected to floss in the past. Using mouthwash before we floss can greatly reduce this issue.
  • Mouthwash – A mouthwash without alcohol adds an extra layer of protection against dental problems. This is easy to use several times per day, after every meal. Avoid alcohol as this dries the mouth, and may lead to oral cancer.
  • Nutrition – Sweet foods, simple carbohydrates and most junk food will be harsh on teeth. Acidic liquids like soft drinks are also a problem, as they are harsh on the tooth enamel. Fruit juice is also very harsh on teeth.
  • Water – Positive improvement over the past generation is drinking more water. In addition to a general improvement in health, this extra water helps clean the teeth and prevent decay. Ironically, the popularity of bottled water works against this as this bottled water does not contain fluoride. Tap water has the advantage of containing some fluoride, but clean water is beneficial.
  • Braces and Orthodontics – Neat, straight teeth are easier to clean and tend to stay healthier with just some basic twice-daily care. If crooked teeth are an issue, talk to the dentist about the best options.

Looking for a Dentist in Kellyville?

Our teeth are important for our overall health. Diligent daily cleaning and twice-a-year dental appointments go a long way toward better dental health. Visit us today.

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The content of this article is meant for informational purposes only and should not be considered a source of professional advice, recommendations, or endorsements. It is not a substitute for seeking expert guidance or making well-informed decisions based on individual circumstances. Although we strive for accuracy and reliability, we cannot guarantee the information’s completeness or suitability for all situations. Readers are urged to verify facts, consult experts, and consider their own context before taking actions or decisions based on this content. No warranties, explicit or implied, are provided regarding the accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of the presented information. Relying on this information is at the reader’s own discretion and risk. We encourage readers to consult relevant professionals or experts for advice tailored to their specific needs. Neither the author, publisher, nor any affiliated parties will be held responsible for errors, omissions, or damages resulting from the use or reliance on the information in this article.

Dentist Winston Hills. Winston Hills Dentist.

Fast Orthodontics at Dentist Winston Hills

Orthodontists and Dentist Winston Hills

We all understand that orthodontics is about straightening jaws and teeth. Most of us realise that this takes significant time. Most teenagers with braces wear them for about two years, followed by a few years with retainers. This is still time well spent, as the results can last a lifetime. We can have ideal teeth throughout our adult years as long as we brush and floss twice daily. But some people with the time spend locked in braces was shorter.

The fact is that in some cases the orthodontic treatment can be sped up. This is called fast orthodontics, or accelerated orthodontics.

Dentist Winston Hills – Fast Orthodontics

We can speed up the work of braces or Invisalign by combining the regular orthodontic treatment with a minor surgical procedure. This cannot be done in all cases. But it is often fine for adult patients who have healthy gum and healthy bone structure in their jaws.

There are a few fast orthodontic options, suitable for different individuals:

The Propel system will use surgery to shave gums and jawbones in a manner that allows the teeth to slide into their ideal alignment with greater ease. The small amount of physical trauma this causes actually stimulates bone growth.

Propel can cut the orthodontic treatment time by up to half.

AcceleDent is a different approach. It has been discovered that moderate level vibration of the jawbone will speed up orthodontic treatment time. AcceleDent is a device that vibrates the teeth at 30 Hz and 120Hz. When used for 20 minutes per day it reduced treatment time by up to half.

Fast Orthodontics, Insurance, and Dentist Winston Hills –

While some general orthodontics is covered by medical insurance the fast orthodontic system is not usually covered, nor does it seem likely to be covered in the near future. Some insurance providers might be an exception.

Dentist Winston Hills

Orthodontic treatment means neater teeth that can last a lifetime. Popular among adults, faster orthodontics is now possible.

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The content of this article is meant for informational purposes only and should not be considered a source of professional advice, recommendations, or endorsements. It is not a substitute for seeking expert guidance or making well-informed decisions based on individual circumstances. Although we strive for accuracy and reliability, we cannot guarantee the information’s completeness or suitability for all situations. Readers are urged to verify facts, consult experts, and consider their own context before taking actions or decisions based on this content. No warranties, explicit or implied, are provided regarding the accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of the presented information. Relying on this information is at the reader’s own discretion and risk. We encourage readers to consult relevant professionals or experts for advice tailored to their specific needs. Neither the author, publisher, nor any affiliated parties will be held responsible for errors, omissions, or damages resulting from the use or reliance on the information in this article.

Glenhaven Dental Glenhaven Dentist Glenhaven

That Twice a Year Appointment

Visit Glenhaven Dental Twice Per Year

Hopefully we had our first dental appointment when we were an infant, and have been faithfully going back every 6 months for the next appointment.

But why do we need this twice a year dental appointment?

It is a preventative measure, to give a cleaning that has three main benefits.

Glenhaven Dental Cleaning

Preventing Or Stopping Gum Disease –

Our gums can become infected quite easily if we are not careful. Brushing and flossing greatly reduce the chances of gum infections, but nobody is completely safe. We need to check for gum disease at least twice yearly, or at the first sign of symptoms.

Gum disease can initially appear as light pink or dark red/purple discolouration. Often there is gum bleeding, and soreness. If we experience this we need to consult the dentist.

If gum disease is caught early on it can be cured. But if it progresses too far, if it goes from Gingivitis to Periodontitis, it becomes permanent. This means we are left with a permanent infection that needs constant maintenance. Left untreated, and gum disease will cause the loss of teeth and bone.

The twice annual dental appointment will both inspect for gum disease and provides a cleaning that greatly reduces the chance of contracting gum disease. If you already have an infection the dentist can provide a treatment plan that may include antibacterial mouthwash and antibiotics.

Prevent Plaque on Teeth –

Plaque is the sticky film that is left on the teeth from bacteria that feed on sugar and other food debris. If this plaque is left on the teeth for a day or two it turns to tartar, a hard off-white substance that clings to teeth like glue, and is very difficult to remove.

The twice annual dental cleaning can remove plaque and tartar. Dentists and dental hygienists are the only people who can remove tartar. This dental cleaning has an advantage in being able to remove plaque and tartar from under the gum line, which is difficult to do with conventional brushing.

Protect from Tooth Decay –

Tooth decay is the first thing most people think of when they are warned about brushing their teeth. And this is with reasonable justification. Tooth decay is serious, though gum disease and other issues are also serious. A regular twice annual dental cleaning, combined with twice daily brushing, goes a long way to preventing tooth decay.

Very early damage to teeth, de-calcification of the enamel, can be reversed it detected in time. Fluoride can re-calcify the enamel. But once the tooth surface is lost the damage is permanent, and requires a filling or similar repair.

Glenhaven Dental

Having healthy teeth helps keep us in better overall heath. Twice a year dental visits and daily brushing go a long way towards giving us healthy teeth.

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The content of this article is meant for informational purposes only and should not be considered a source of professional advice, recommendations, or endorsements. It is not a substitute for seeking expert guidance or making well-informed decisions based on individual circumstances. Although we strive for accuracy and reliability, we cannot guarantee the information’s completeness or suitability for all situations. Readers are urged to verify facts, consult experts, and consider their own context before taking actions or decisions based on this content. No warranties, explicit or implied, are provided regarding the accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of the presented information. Relying on this information is at the reader’s own discretion and risk. We encourage readers to consult relevant professionals or experts for advice tailored to their specific needs. Neither the author, publisher, nor any affiliated parties will be held responsible for errors, omissions, or damages resulting from the use or reliance on the information in this article.

Castle Hill Dental Dentist Kellyville

Suffering Jaw Pain

Castle Hill Dental

Our Jaw is extremely important. If it does not function correctly we might find our speech and ability to eat compromised. Though more often any joint problems in the jaw simply cause a clicking sensation or mild pain. This is more an inconvenience than a serious threat, though we should have it checked.

Dentists look after all aspects of the mouth, including the jaw, and it’s joint.

Dentist Kellyville

The human jaw is complex, being designed to move in several directions. It mostly needs to move up and down, but chewing and speaking require a small amount of side movement, and forward movement. Because of this complexity there is more that might go wrong with the jaw.

Pain or movement issue in either side of the jaw is termed Temporomandibular Disorder (TMD). The most common symptoms are:

– Facial pain, in your jaw and temporomandibular joint
– A clicking sensation in at least one side of the jaw
– Perhaps difficulty opening and closing your mouth
– Headaches or Earaches with other symptoms
– Light-headedness/ dizziness
– Ringing in the ears
– Arms and fingers may feel numb.

If the symptoms are mild there is often no threat. The jaw issue is usually stable. We should only worry of the symptoms grow worse over time.

Kellyville Dentist

Temporomandibular Disorder has several possible causes.

– Habitually chewing only on one side of the mouth.
– Teeth grinding at night. Often stress related.
– Blocked airways while sleeping
– Arthritis
– A serious injury to the side of the face/the jaw.
– Misaligned teeth that cause us to chew in a lopsided manner.
– A malformed jaw, a product of genetics.

In mild cases, perhaps caused by favouring one jaw when we chew, we can fix the issue ourselves. Learning to chew with the other side of the mouth is often enough to fix many mild/moderate Temporomandibular Disorder issues.

Castle Hill Dental

Dentists look after jaw function as well as teeth. Have any issues checked. We can help give you a healthy, attractive mouth.

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The content of this article is meant for informational purposes only and should not be considered a source of professional advice, recommendations, or endorsements. It is not a substitute for seeking expert guidance or making well-informed decisions based on individual circumstances. Although we strive for accuracy and reliability, we cannot guarantee the information’s completeness or suitability for all situations. Readers are urged to verify facts, consult experts, and consider their own context before taking actions or decisions based on this content. No warranties, explicit or implied, are provided regarding the accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of the presented information. Relying on this information is at the reader’s own discretion and risk. We encourage readers to consult relevant professionals or experts for advice tailored to their specific needs. Neither the author, publisher, nor any affiliated parties will be held responsible for errors, omissions, or damages resulting from the use or reliance on the information in this article.

Dentist Castle Hill Veneers - Castle Hill Dentist Braces - Dental Castle Hill Castle Hill Dental

Choosing Braces or Veneers?

Dentist Castle Hill

Many of us need a little work done if we are to have an ideal set of teeth. There are many ways to have this done. Most commonly people will have braces as teenagers. Else they might have teeth crowned or fitted with veneers. Our choice of treatment depends on the type of dental correction required. The various treatments overlap in what they can achieve.

Veneers – Castle Hill Dentist

Modern dental veneers are a thin layer of porcelain that are fitted over a modified tooth. These veneers can alter the shape, size and colour of individual teeth. They look completely natural and last for decades.

  • Veneers can fix :
  • Cracked or Chipped Teeth.
  • Teeth that a misshapen
  • Gaps between Teeth, or small Teeth.
  • Crooked Teeth.
  • Worn Teeth.
  • Teeth that are stained or discoloured.
  • Slight Over bite or Under bite.

A limitation is that veneers can not really look after jaw alignment issues. While they can effectively bring a row of teeth forward slightly by using the thickness of the veneers they cannot move the jaw to the side, so that are not appropriate for cross bite.

A big advantage of veneers is that they usually only require two appointments to be fitted, and the results are permanent after the second appointment. This is different to braces which require about 2 years to achieve their results.

Veneers require only regular dental cleaning (brushing and flossing). They are generally immune to staining, and will never require teeth whitening treatments.

Braces – Dental Castle Hill

Braces have been an effective dental treatment for decades. Many teenagers have benefited from braces that align their teeth for the rest of their life. Some adults have braces fitted for the same reason. Braces are very effective for moving teeth, and moving jaws to correct cross bite, over bite and under bite.

There are disadvantages to braces. They take several years to achieve their results, and the individual will need to wear a retainer for several years (sometime permanently) to prevent the teeth from shifting back again. Furthermore, braces cannot change the colour of teeth, or the shape of individuals teeth, only their position.

Modern braces are less awkward and less noticeable than older models. And some techniques can speed up the process so they may take less than two years.

Castle Hill Dental

We all deserve well functioning teeth and the best possible smile. Talk to the dentist about the right treatment for you.

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The content of this article is meant for informational purposes only and should not be considered a source of professional advice, recommendations, or endorsements. It is not a substitute for seeking expert guidance or making well-informed decisions based on individual circumstances. Although we strive for accuracy and reliability, we cannot guarantee the information’s completeness or suitability for all situations. Readers are urged to verify facts, consult experts, and consider their own context before taking actions or decisions based on this content. No warranties, explicit or implied, are provided regarding the accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of the presented information. Relying on this information is at the reader’s own discretion and risk. We encourage readers to consult relevant professionals or experts for advice tailored to their specific needs. Neither the author, publisher, nor any affiliated parties will be held responsible for errors, omissions, or damages resulting from the use or reliance on the information in this article.

Dentist Kellyville Kellyville Dentist Dental Kellyville Kellyville Dental

What Is Abnormal Tooth Eruption ?

Dentist Kellyville

A normal tooth eruption sees the tooth develop under the gum and then emerge from the gum in the correct position in the mouth. This process may go wrong, with the tooth not emerging in the correct place, or at an angle, or not fully emerging at all. This is often caused by incorrect spacing between the teeth, perhaps as a result of the permanent teeth coming through before the adjacent baby teeth have fallen out.

Kellyville Dentist

There are a few different reasons why a tooth may erupt abnormally.

– If a baby tooth is lost too early then the surrounding teeth may drift into the remaining gap. Once the surrounding teeth have moved they may not be enough room left for the permanent tooth to emerge.

– If a baby tooth remains too long then the permanent tooth will nor be able to emerge.

– Some individuals have more than the normal number of teeth, so there is not enough room left in the mouth for these teeth to fit neatly together.

– A smaller mouth on an individual may mean there in not enough room for the normal number of teeth.

– Molar teeth, which emerge in our late teens or early twenties, can be an issue if there is not enough room in the mouth.

– An injury may effect how the teeth emerge.

Dental Kellyville

Children should have a full set of 20 teeth around the age of three. These will start to fall out and be replaced by the permanent teeth between the ages of 6 and 12. Addition back molars will emerge at the ages of 6, 12 and after 18. We should have 32 teeth as an adult, though some adult never develop the wisdom teeth, and only have 28 teeth.

Orthodontist recommend that a child have a dental exam by the age of 7, when the baby teeth start to fall out. If there is trouble with the baby teeth it may cause problems later on when the permanent teeth emerge. Early intervention can prevent later complications, The dentist may simply put a space between the teeth when a tooth is lost, to prevent the other teeth from moving. Occasionally a lose baby tooth may be extracted if it does not fall out on its own.

Kellyville Dental

Dental and orthodontic work can give us the best teeth possible. See us for the smile you deserve.

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The content of this article is meant for informational purposes only and should not be considered a source of professional advice, recommendations, or endorsements. It is not a substitute for seeking expert guidance or making well-informed decisions based on individual circumstances. Although we strive for accuracy and reliability, we cannot guarantee the information’s completeness or suitability for all situations. Readers are urged to verify facts, consult experts, and consider their own context before taking actions or decisions based on this content. No warranties, explicit or implied, are provided regarding the accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of the presented information. Relying on this information is at the reader’s own discretion and risk. We encourage readers to consult relevant professionals or experts for advice tailored to their specific needs. Neither the author, publisher, nor any affiliated parties will be held responsible for errors, omissions, or damages resulting from the use or reliance on the information in this article.

Baulkham Hills Dental Glenhaven Winston Hill

How Do I Deal With Problem Braces?

Baulkham Hills Dental

There is no getting past the initial awkwardness and pain of braces when they are first put in place. Braces are there to move teeth, and this process will cause some ache. And the physical natural of metal braces means the inside of the mouth will suffer some abrasion and cuts. But the process is worth the temporary discomfort. Braces now means better teeth for the rest of our life.

Glenhaven Winston Hill

We can avoid complications with braces by following the basic advice given by the dentist.

– Avoid playing with the braces.
– Don’t eat sticky or hard foods, as these put a strain on the wires and brackets.
– Cut up foods like apples and celery into small bite sized pieces.
– Avoid sugary foods and drinks, as these can soften the adhesive that holds the braces to the teeth. They also cause tooth decay.
– Never chew on non-food items like pencils or fingernails.
– Get a mouth guard if you intent to play sports.
– Rinse with water after eating, and any other time when possible.

Baulkham Hills Dental

If the braces are causing soreness by rubbing the inside of the mouth then wax can be used to cover any sharp or protruding edges. A mouth guard can also help relive the pain when you sleep.

Over the counter painkillers will help remove some pain in the teeth. This can also be useful when trying to sleep.

Some sores inside the mouth are very common when braces are first fitted. These will disappear over time. Gargling salt water will speed up the process, helping the sores to heal without infections.

If there is any breakage in the braces then contact the orthodontist immediately.

Glenhaven Winston Hill

Braces now means better teeth for the rest of our life. Invest in a better smile for tomorrow.

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The content of this article is meant for informational purposes only and should not be considered a source of professional advice, recommendations, or endorsements. It is not a substitute for seeking expert guidance or making well-informed decisions based on individual circumstances. Although we strive for accuracy and reliability, we cannot guarantee the information’s completeness or suitability for all situations. Readers are urged to verify facts, consult experts, and consider their own context before taking actions or decisions based on this content. No warranties, explicit or implied, are provided regarding the accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of the presented information. Relying on this information is at the reader’s own discretion and risk. We encourage readers to consult relevant professionals or experts for advice tailored to their specific needs. Neither the author, publisher, nor any affiliated parties will be held responsible for errors, omissions, or damages resulting from the use or reliance on the information in this article.

Kellyville Dentist Glenhaven Winston Hills Dentist Kellyville

Are Swollen Gums Serious?

Dentist Kellyville

Swollen gums are more than a minor irritant. They are a sign of an underlying condition, which may be serious. Swollen gums might be the result of a gum infection, or an infection in the tooth. These are conditions that require help from a dentist. Alternately, part of a gum might temporarily swell if there is decaying food stuck between teeth. Occasionally gums swell as a side effect of some medication. All the causes of swollen gum should be preventable, or at least be temporary.
If swollen gums persist for more than two days you should consult the dentist.

Causes of Swollen Gums – Glenhaven Winston Hills

Food Particle Between Teeth
If there is food stuck between any teeth for more than a day the surrounding gum will be affected. It will often swell and change colour to dark red or very pale pink. Quite likely the gum will also be sore.
If we remove the food, which may be firmly stuck, the swelling in the gum will almost always abate in a day or two. We can use floss or inter-dental brushes to remove food that is stubbornly stuck between teeth. We recommend frequently use of mouthwash to help disinfect the gum.

If the swelling persists after the the food is gone then the infection has started to spread. A situation like this needs to be looked after by the dentist.

This is a mild gum infection which causes swelling. It can be cured with diligent brushing, flossing and use of mouthwash. It may take anything from a week to a month for the condition to disappear.
If Gingivitis persists too long it may turn into the more serious condition known as Periodontitis.

Periodontal Disease (Periodontitis)
This is a serious infection that starts as swelling, discoloured gums, but soon leads to loss of bone and teeth. It is very serious and needs to be treated by a dentist.

Infected tooth
An infected tooth is serious and needs to be treated by a dentist. This may involve a root canal treatment. Despite the common misconception root canal treatments are not really painful. In fact they quickly remove the pain of the infected tooth.

Pregnant women sometimes suffer swollen gums, even if their dental health is otherwise fine. This is temporary, and will settle down without treatment.

Some individuals are allergic to certain foods or medications, leading to swollen gums. A dentist can help you isolate the cause of the problem, and recommend an alternative.

Kellyville Dentist

If you suffer any changes in you mouth it is best to see a dentist. Early intervention can prevent more serious problems later on.

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The content of this article is meant for informational purposes only and should not be considered a source of professional advice, recommendations, or endorsements. It is not a substitute for seeking expert guidance or making well-informed decisions based on individual circumstances. Although we strive for accuracy and reliability, we cannot guarantee the information’s completeness or suitability for all situations. Readers are urged to verify facts, consult experts, and consider their own context before taking actions or decisions based on this content. No warranties, explicit or implied, are provided regarding the accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of the presented information. Relying on this information is at the reader’s own discretion and risk. We encourage readers to consult relevant professionals or experts for advice tailored to their specific needs. Neither the author, publisher, nor any affiliated parties will be held responsible for errors, omissions, or damages resulting from the use or reliance on the information in this article.