Dentist Bella Vista Dental

What are Back Molar Dental Sealants?


Problem Molar Teeth – Dentist Bella Vista

Our back molar teeth are important for chewing food. Their top surface is rough and grooved for this very purpose. But sometimes this rough top surface can cause problems. Food debris can get trapped in the grooves of molar teeth. And because some of these grooves are tiny a toothbrush has trouble removing this debris. This leaves the top of the molar tooth is prone to decay.

Dental Sealants – Bella Vista Dentist

Dental sealants address the problem with grooved back teeth. The sealant fills in the smaller spaces in the tooth surface, preventing food from being stuck there. At the same time the larger grooves in the tooth are unaffected, so the top surface is still ideal for chewing.
Dental sealants are clear or white in colour, so they are almost invisible on a tooth surface. They protect the back molar teeth while remaining virtually unnoticeable.

Applying Dental Sealants – Dental Bella Vista

Dental sealants are best applied when the molars first emerge, while we are young. This is a preventative measure, so the molar teeth don’t have a change to be damaged. The sealant lasts for several years (seven years is typical) before it needs replacing. Dentists check this when you have your regular visit every six months.
It is fairly common for dentists to apply sealants to a child’s baby teeth. This prevent problems early on that might carry over to the permanent teeth.
The dentist may have put sealants on your teeth without your knowledge. Many people had these put on during their teen years, and do not realize that they still have them.

Bella Vista Dental

Unfortunately sealants can only be applied to the tops of back molar teeth, and not the other teeth. They need a slightly rough surface in order to bond adequately. This means they cannot be used on the smooth surface of front teeth.

Dentist Bella Vista

Dentists like to take preventative measures, so they teeth do not suffer damage or need repair later. Talk to the dentist about sealants.

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Castle Hill Dental Kellyville

Can I Get Orthodontic Treatment As an Adult?

Adult Orthodontic Treatment at Castle Hill Dental

Some adults have misaligned teeth. This is combination of two factors – the teeth they naturally had were crooked, and they never had braces as a teenager. In some cases they did have braces, but the teeth partly shifted out of alignment over the years.

A few adults do have braces; it is possible to have them at almost any age. But many avoid this either because they associate braces with youth, or because they wish to avoid the inconvenience of braces, having to speak and eat with metal bands in their mouth.

Invisalign at Dentist Kellyville

One alternative is Invisalign. This uses a series of clear plastic aligners to steadily align teeth. These are not noticeable, at least they are not as obvious as braces, and cause only slight discomfort. They can also be removed when eating and drinking.

Invisalign will not provide all the correction capabilities of traditional braces, and they cannot correct jaw alignment problems. But they will correct slight to moderate tooth alignment problems.

Lingual Braces at the Dentist Kellyville

An alternative to traditional braces, which are very prominent, is lingual braces. These are fitted behind the teeth rather than in front, so they are not visible to other people.

Lingual braces are awkward at first, and they make speaking difficult until the individual is used to them. But they can perform some very major alignment work, and will not compromise your appearance.

Information about adult Orthodontics – Kellyville Dentist

  • There is no age limit to braces, Invisalign or adult orthodontic work. Once your adult teeth are in place, by your mid to late teens, you can have braces.
  • Many adult orthodontic treatments are less painful than expected. Invisalign is only slightly awkward. and even modern metal braces are less painful than the braces of earlier generations.
  • Adult braces are fairly common. About 20% of all orthodontic treatment is performed on adults over 20.
    Rumors about braces getting caught when kissing is an myth, or at least a highly exaggerated occurrence.
  • Sometimes adult orthodontics are needed because the wisdom teeth pushed the other teeth out of alignment. Or because the individual did not wear their retainer for long enough after their teenage braces off.
  • Adult orthodontics do not take too long to work. Expect to wear braces for 18 months. Invisalign will take the same amount of time, but be less noticeable.
  • The time needed for braces can be reduce by additional treatments like accelerate. This operates on the teeth and jaw to spread up the alignment process.

Adult Orthodontics – Dental Kellyville

It is not uncommon for adults to have their teeth fixed with Invisalign or braces. Modern treatments are less painful and perhaps faster than older methods.

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The content of this article is meant for informational purposes only and should not be considered a source of professional advice, recommendations, or endorsements. It is not a substitute for seeking expert guidance or making well-informed decisions based on individual circumstances. Although we strive for accuracy and reliability, we cannot guarantee the information’s completeness or suitability for all situations. Readers are urged to verify facts, consult experts, and consider their own context before taking actions or decisions based on this content. No warranties, explicit or implied, are provided regarding the accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of the presented information. Relying on this information is at the reader’s own discretion and risk. We encourage readers to consult relevant professionals or experts for advice tailored to their specific needs. Neither the author, publisher, nor any affiliated parties will be held responsible for errors, omissions, or damages resulting from the use or reliance on the information in this article.

Dental Kellyville


Dental Kellyville

Few of us have naturally straight teeth. Most of us have some form of straightening, occasionally as adults, but more often using braces during our teens.

Braces are one of the great dental innovations of the 20th century, proving so effective that they came into widespread use. Teenagers with braces are a common and accepted sight.

Braces can move individual teeth horizontally and vertically, so that all the teeth look neat and function well. Braces can also fix many jaw problems, like minor under-bite or overbite, or a jaw that is slightly asymmetrical.

The optimal time to have braces is when the adult teeth are all in place, usually our mid-teens. But is is possible to have braces as an adult. The advantage of having them earlier is that we spend more of our life with straight teeth. About the only small disadvantage to having braces early is that the wisdom teeth that emerge latter on may cause problems. But most people have their wisdom teeth removed, whether they had braces or not.

Kellyville Dental

Braces work by putting constant pressure on the teeth to steadily move them into a neat alignment. This is uncomfortable, and actually painful at first. But it is less extreme than surgery, and we quickly grow use to the situation when we are wearing braces.

Most braces are made with a nickle alloy. This metal resists corrosion, and works well for most people. But a few people have an allergy to nickle. They require titanium or gold braces.

Dentist Kellyville

Less than perfect teeth can be corrected, so they look great and function with no problems. Talk to the dentist about braces, at any age.

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The content of this article is meant for informational purposes only and should not be considered a source of professional advice, recommendations, or endorsements. It is not a substitute for seeking expert guidance or making well-informed decisions based on individual circumstances. Although we strive for accuracy and reliability, we cannot guarantee the information’s completeness or suitability for all situations. Readers are urged to verify facts, consult experts, and consider their own context before taking actions or decisions based on this content. No warranties, explicit or implied, are provided regarding the accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of the presented information. Relying on this information is at the reader’s own discretion and risk. We encourage readers to consult relevant professionals or experts for advice tailored to their specific needs. Neither the author, publisher, nor any affiliated parties will be held responsible for errors, omissions, or damages resulting from the use or reliance on the information in this article.

Baulkham Hills Dental

Tooth Abscess

Dentist Baulkham Hills

An abscess is painful. And left untreated it can lead to serious problems. So its not something that anybody would want. But an abscess is also easy to prevent, with just regular cleaning and flossing.

A tooth abscess is an infection between the tooth and gum. It produces a pocket of puss, which is your immune system fighting the infection.

There are two main types of abscess. One appears at the tip of root of the tooth. This is the result of an infection inside the nerve of the tooth, which has spread to the surrounding gum. The other is an abscess that appears in the gum, and will almost always be linked to advanced gum disease (periodontal disease). Both types of abscess are painful and produce pus. They tend to be even more painful when exposed to heat, say by shrinking coffee or tea. A cold compress or liquid will partially alleviate the pain.

Baulkham Hills Dentist

An abscess should not be ignored. Left untreated it will always grow worse, and perhaps prove fatal. A spreading infection from the abscess will swiftly start to cause loss of gum and bone. In some cases an abscess in the back of the mouth can spread to the brain, which will be fatal.

Your immune system will try to fight the abscess, with some success. But if you immune system has a lot of other problems to deal with, or if it is weak, it will be overwhelmed. It is unlikely that the immune system will be able to remove the abscess on its own, especially if there is a gum infection to fight as well.

An abscess should be treated by the dentist. An untreated abscess is very dangerous.

Dental Baulkham Hills

An abscess may require a root canal treatment to remove the nerve of the damaged tooth. This is a little complex, but it will remove the pain quite quickly. Contrary to popular opinion a root canal treatment is not actually painful, it actually removes the pain of an infection.

The dentist will also take measures to fight the gum infection, which may include antibiotics.

In the meantime it helps to gargle salt water, which fights the infection.

A healthy diet will both reduce the risk of an abscess, and help fight any abscess we already have.

Baulkham Hills Dental

Any pain in the mouth is serious, and should be treated by a dentist. This qualifies as a dental emergency, so an immediate dental appointment can be arranged.

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The content of this article is meant for informational purposes only and should not be considered a source of professional advice, recommendations, or endorsements. It is not a substitute for seeking expert guidance or making well-informed decisions based on individual circumstances. Although we strive for accuracy and reliability, we cannot guarantee the information’s completeness or suitability for all situations. Readers are urged to verify facts, consult experts, and consider their own context before taking actions or decisions based on this content. No warranties, explicit or implied, are provided regarding the accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of the presented information. Relying on this information is at the reader’s own discretion and risk. We encourage readers to consult relevant professionals or experts for advice tailored to their specific needs. Neither the author, publisher, nor any affiliated parties will be held responsible for errors, omissions, or damages resulting from the use or reliance on the information in this article.

Kellyville Dental

Gum Infections

Kellyville Dentist

‌Our gums are a serious part of our dental health. If the gums become infected then our teeth quickly suffer.
Infections in the gums are caused by the same problems and habits that lead to tooth decay. Failure to brush, floss and use mouthwash will lead to a build-up of bacteria, plaque and tartar which damage teeth and lead to gum infections.

Dental Kellyville


There are degrees of gum infections, and two general types – gingivitis and periodontists.

Gingivitis is a moderate form of gum infection. It is characterized by sore, gums prone to bleeding and suffering inflammation. It causes the teeth to be sensitive to hot and cold temperatures, and leads to Bad breath.
While gingivitis is serious it can be cured with diligent brushing, floss and use of mouthwash. A healthy diet and use of probiotics will also help.
Left untreated, gingivitis greatly increases the risk of developing the more serious gum infection known as periodontist.

Periodontitis is a more severe gum infection than gingivitis, from which it usually develops. Not only is the infection more severe, it also includes a different strain of bacteria.
Periodontitis can lead to the loss of teeth and bone. It literally breaks down the materials that hold the teeth in place (the periodontal ligaments, and jawbones). Left untreated it can be life threatening.

Periodontitis can only treated by professional means by the dentist, more often by a specialized dentist called a periodontist. Because of the damage done by the infection it may be necessary to restore lost gum and bone structure.

Kellyville Dental

Regular dental Checkups can prevent dental problems, or at the very least address then before they become too serious.

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Dentist Kellyville


Dentist Kellyville

Mouthwash should be part of our teeth cleaning procedure. We should brush twice daily, and floss once daily. Mouthwash can be used as often as we like, at least once, perhaps three times per day.

There was some serious concern over mouthwash a few years ago. Some mouthwashes were linked to mouth cancer. But this was only the mouthwashes that contained alcohol. And even then the mouthwash had to be used several times per day to raise the risk of mouth cancer.

Some people were using alcohol based mouthwashes several times per day, and gargling each time for more than a minute. This long term exposure really did raise the risk of cancer. But a further complication was that people who already had sores in the mouth, perhaps cancerous sores, were using more mouthwash in an attempt to treat the problem. So it is possible than they had cancer first, and the mouthwash was being used as a treatment.

Alcohol mouthwash also tended to give a dry mouth, which led to bad breath. So it had little practical use.

Kellyville Dentist

Mouthwash without alcohol is both safe and beneficial, greatly the risk of dental problems. Mouthwash fights bad bacteria, often where brushing does not reach. It is most effective when combined with daily brushing and floss.

Mouthwash is perhaps the easiest dental cleaning habit. And there is no reason not to use mouthwash several times per day. We can keep mouthwash in the desk at work, in the car, in the bathroom, in our briefcase of handbag, and use it frequently.

Look for a mouthwash that has fluoride and anti-bacteria properties.

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The content of this article is meant for informational purposes only and should not be considered a source of professional advice, recommendations, or endorsements. It is not a substitute for seeking expert guidance or making well-informed decisions based on individual circumstances. Although we strive for accuracy and reliability, we cannot guarantee the information’s completeness or suitability for all situations. Readers are urged to verify facts, consult experts, and consider their own context before taking actions or decisions based on this content. No warranties, explicit or implied, are provided regarding the accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of the presented information. Relying on this information is at the reader’s own discretion and risk. We encourage readers to consult relevant professionals or experts for advice tailored to their specific needs. Neither the author, publisher, nor any affiliated parties will be held responsible for errors, omissions, or damages resulting from the use or reliance on the information in this article.

Castle Hill Dentist


Castle Hill Dentist

A decent nights sleep affects every aspect of our lives. Our physical and mental health will be compromised if we sleep poorly. And some forms of poor sleep may also compromise our teeth and gums.

One aspect of a good night’s sleep is getting enough hours. Most people need between 7 and 8 hours per night. Another aspect is clear breathing. If we snore, or if we breathe through our mouth, then our sleep is compromised. Poor breathing means that even 8 hours of sleep may leave us tired and disorientated.

Short term sleep issues are a hindrance. These same issues in the long term can be fatal, raising the risk of stroke and heart attack.

Dental Castle Hill

Many night breathing problems can be addressed by the dentist.

Mouth Breathing

Mouth breathing is one issue. It leave us with a dry mouth that is prone to decay. It also deprives us of nitric oxide which our body needs to feel alert. We might find that we breath through the mouth because our nasal passage become blocked when we lie down.

Dentists can create a custom mouth-guard to keep the mouth closed, and to keep the jaw in the right position for breathing through the nose.

Some people use an adhesive nasal strip to keep the nose open for night breathing.

Sleep Apnea

This is a situation where the individual stops and starts breathing at night. It is very bad for health. Minor sleep apnea can be treated by the dentist, perhaps using mouth-guards and an altered sleep position. More serious issues may require a night breathing device like a CPAP machine.

Castle Hill Dental

Many night breathing problems can be addressed by the dentist. This will prevent any health problems and reduce tooth decay.

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The content of this article is meant for informational purposes only and should not be considered a source of professional advice, recommendations, or endorsements. It is not a substitute for seeking expert guidance or making well-informed decisions based on individual circumstances. Although we strive for accuracy and reliability, we cannot guarantee the information’s completeness or suitability for all situations. Readers are urged to verify facts, consult experts, and consider their own context before taking actions or decisions based on this content. No warranties, explicit or implied, are provided regarding the accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of the presented information. Relying on this information is at the reader’s own discretion and risk. We encourage readers to consult relevant professionals or experts for advice tailored to their specific needs. Neither the author, publisher, nor any affiliated parties will be held responsible for errors, omissions, or damages resulting from the use or reliance on the information in this article.

Castle Hill Dentist

Dental Implants


Castle Hill Dentist

Dental Implants replace an entire tooth, without compromising other teeth.

Older methods of tooth replacement would have limitations. Bridges would secure the replacement tooth between two healthy teeth, but this compromised those healthy teeth. Plates and dentures could replace teeth, but these were never completely secure, and required maintenance. But implants look, feel and function like natural teeth.

Dental Kellyville

Implants are a little like crowned teeth. Except that where a crown replaces the outer part of the tooth while keeping the inner core and roots, an implant will replace the entire tooth. It even replaces the root below the gum-line.

Implants have two main sections. The have a metal (titanium) post inside and a realistic outer section that looks like a tooth.

This inner post is made of titanium because this metal bonds with the jawbone at a molecular level. This makes for a very secure fixture.

The outer part of the implant is made of either lithium disilicate or ziriconia. These substances are strong and very realistic looking. The stronger substances are used for the back teeth, which do the heavy chewing. The more realistic substances are used for the front teeth, where that are more visible and need to look natural.

Dentist Kellyville

Implants will require several appointments to be fitted. The base of the post goes in first. It takes some time to bond adequately to the bone. The facsimile tooth is affixed during a later appointment.

Once in place an implant feels so like a natural toot that people often forget they have received an implant. The implants will never suffer decay, but it needs to be brushed like a natural tooth to prevent any gum infection.

Baulkham Hills Dentist

It would be best to keep all the natural teeth. But implants are the best possible replacement.

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The content of this article is meant for informational purposes only and should not be considered a source of professional advice, recommendations, or endorsements. It is not a substitute for seeking expert guidance or making well-informed decisions based on individual circumstances. Although we strive for accuracy and reliability, we cannot guarantee the information’s completeness or suitability for all situations. Readers are urged to verify facts, consult experts, and consider their own context before taking actions or decisions based on this content. No warranties, explicit or implied, are provided regarding the accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of the presented information. Relying on this information is at the reader’s own discretion and risk. We encourage readers to consult relevant professionals or experts for advice tailored to their specific needs. Neither the author, publisher, nor any affiliated parties will be held responsible for errors, omissions, or damages resulting from the use or reliance on the information in this article.

Castle Hill Dentist

Safety and Coronavirus

Safety and Coronavirus

Castle Hill Dentist

For the moment all non-essential and non-urgent dental procedures have been put on hold. The Coronavirus has changed everybody’s life, and we must all do as much as possible to prevent the spreading of this pandemic, or at least slow the spread so that medical services aren’t having to deal with everybody at once.

Why is the Dentist Situation Different?

Dental work is inevitably on the mouth, specifically the teeth and gums. When dentist work on the teeth, especially if they use drills, or perform scaling and polishing, then droplets of saliva are released into the air. This would normally increase the risk of spreading any infection that the patient is suffering.

Dentist habitually follow stringent infection precautions to reduce the risk of spreading infectious diseases, whether that infection is transmitted by saliva or blood. This keep both the dentist and other patients safe. It assumes that all patients might have an infection, and treats them accordingly.

Coronavirus is a more serious matter than most infections. As well as being potentially fatal it can easily go undetected. Infected individuals may exhibit no symptoms and feel perfectly well.

Procedures that are presently allowed:

– Any emergency where the dental problem is causing pain.
– Extractions where the patient is in pain
– Root canal work where the infection could be serious, perhaps life threatening.
– Accident to the upper front teeth
– And treatment for complex medical problems where lack of treatment may make the issue worse.
– Referrals from doctors for medical conditions that are linked to dental issues.

Dental Castle Hill

In the mean time we all need to take diligent care of our health. This includes our dental health, as we cannot be complacent and think that the dentist can fix it all latter on.

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The content of this article is meant for informational purposes only and should not be considered a source of professional advice, recommendations, or endorsements. It is not a substitute for seeking expert guidance or making well-informed decisions based on individual circumstances. Although we strive for accuracy and reliability, we cannot guarantee the information’s completeness or suitability for all situations. Readers are urged to verify facts, consult experts, and consider their own context before taking actions or decisions based on this content. No warranties, explicit or implied, are provided regarding the accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of the presented information. Relying on this information is at the reader’s own discretion and risk. We encourage readers to consult relevant professionals or experts for advice tailored to their specific needs. Neither the author, publisher, nor any affiliated parties will be held responsible for errors, omissions, or damages resulting from the use or reliance on the information in this article.

Boosting the Immune System

Castle Hill Dentist

Our teeth and mouth interact with the rest of our body in many ways. They certainly interact with our immune system. If we want to maintain or even boost our health and immunity we can start with the mouth, and also look at a healthy diet.

Our gums will get infected if we do not brush, floss and use mouthwash daily. This can lead to gingivitis or (the far worse) periodontis. Infected gums will get inflamed, and be prone to bleeding. This quickly compromises our immune system, which will have difficulty fighting too many things at once.

The act of chewing slightly tough foods produces immunity cells in the gums that boost our immune system. Research has noticed that a diet of soft food, or a liquid diet, weakens the immune system. The action of chewing is necessary for a good immune system.

We have a mixture of good and bad bacteria in the mouth, and in our gut. The good bacteria benefit us in many ways, including digestion and a good immune system. By introducing more good bacteria into out system, with probiotics, and reducing bad bacteria, by brushing and flossing, we boost our health and immune system.

We should breath through our nose and not our mouth. Mouth breathing dries out the gums and teeth, increasing bad bacteria, and leading to tooth decay, gum infections and bad breath.

It is especially important to breath through the nose while sleeping. As well as causing a dry mouth any mouth breathing at night will tend to cause snoring and daytime tiredness.

Dental Castle Hill

Good dental health means better all over health. It is worth making an effort by brushing, flossing and using mouthwash.

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The content of this article is meant for informational purposes only and should not be considered a source of professional advice, recommendations, or endorsements. It is not a substitute for seeking expert guidance or making well-informed decisions based on individual circumstances. Although we strive for accuracy and reliability, we cannot guarantee the information’s completeness or suitability for all situations. Readers are urged to verify facts, consult experts, and consider their own context before taking actions or decisions based on this content. No warranties, explicit or implied, are provided regarding the accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of the presented information. Relying on this information is at the reader’s own discretion and risk. We encourage readers to consult relevant professionals or experts for advice tailored to their specific needs. Neither the author, publisher, nor any affiliated parties will be held responsible for errors, omissions, or damages resulting from the use or reliance on the information in this article.