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Fast Orthodontics at Dentist Winston Hills

Orthodontists and Dentist Winston Hills

We all understand that orthodontics is about straightening jaws and teeth. Most of us realise that this takes significant time. Most teenagers with braces wear them for about two years, followed by a few years with retainers. This is still time well spent, as the results can last a lifetime. We can have ideal teeth throughout our adult years as long as we brush and floss twice daily. But some people with the time spend locked in braces was shorter.

The fact is that in some cases the orthodontic treatment can be sped up. This is called fast orthodontics, or accelerated orthodontics.

Dentist Winston Hills – Fast Orthodontics

We can speed up the work of braces or Invisalign by combining the regular orthodontic treatment with a minor surgical procedure. This cannot be done in all cases. But it is often fine for adult patients who have healthy gum and healthy bone structure in their jaws.

There are a few fast orthodontic options, suitable for different individuals:

The Propel system will use surgery to shave gums and jawbones in a manner that allows the teeth to slide into their ideal alignment with greater ease. The small amount of physical trauma this causes actually stimulates bone growth.

Propel can cut the orthodontic treatment time by up to half.

AcceleDent is a different approach. It has been discovered that moderate level vibration of the jawbone will speed up orthodontic treatment time. AcceleDent is a device that vibrates the teeth at 30 Hz and 120Hz. When used for 20 minutes per day it reduced treatment time by up to half.

Fast Orthodontics, Insurance, and Dentist Winston Hills –

While some general orthodontics is covered by medical insurance the fast orthodontic system is not usually covered, nor does it seem likely to be covered in the near future. Some insurance providers might be an exception.

Dentist Winston Hills

Orthodontic treatment means neater teeth that can last a lifetime. Popular among adults, faster orthodontics is now possible.

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