Mouth Breathing

The human naturally breathes through the nose. It is possible to breathe through the mouth, but this is not optimal. Mouth breathing at night causes problems with teeth and poor sleep quality. Children who breathe through their mouth, day or night, may suffer developmental issues; their mouth, teeth and facial features may be affected and they probably suffer poor sleep quality and tiredness.

Mouth breathing often occurs because an individual either cannot breathe through their nose or because they find nose breathing more difficult than mouth breathing. Obstructions caused by nasal polyps, enlarged tonsils, a bent nose, congestion or an allergy can often be the underlying issue. Sometimes the throat, tongue or lower jaw only causes breathing problems when a person is lying down; this leads to breathing problems when sleeping, often causing snoring or sleep Apnea.

Breathing and Teeth Dentist Auburn

There are many problems with mouth breathing. One major problems for the teeth, especially at night, is that the mouth will dry out. A dry mouth will lead to more tooth decay.

Correct breathing through the nose helps the body produce Nitric oxide, which is essential for correct oxygen levels, blood pressure, cognitive functioning and general wellbeing. Lack of Nitirc Oxide can stunt growth and general child development.

Night Breathing and Dentist Newington

Night time breathing issues vary greatly between individuals, but often the solution can be as simple as a mouthguard that correctly positions the jaw, or an adhesive strip that opens the nasal passages. Occasionally a CPAP machines is used to help an individual to breath while they sleep.

A dentist can produce a custom made mouthguard suitable for correcting the majority of night time breathing problems.

Correct Breathing and Ermington dental,

Children’s breathing problems should be addressed as soon as possible, lest the breathing issues affect their physical development. Children who habitually breathe through their mouths are prone to developing misaligned teeth and a drawn out face. The tiredness produced by mouth breathing can lead to poor concentration and depression.

If you notice night time snoring, night time breathing problems or a dry mouth when waking in the morning, you should talk to the dentist about treatment for mouth breathing.

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