Dentist Kellyville
Swollen gums are more than a minor irritant. They are a sign of an underlying condition, which may be serious. Swollen gums might be the result of a gum infection, or an infection in the tooth. These are conditions that require help from a dentist. Alternately, part of a gum might temporarily swell if there is decaying food stuck between teeth. Occasionally gums swell as a side effect of some medication. All the causes of swollen gum should be preventable, or at least be temporary.
If swollen gums persist for more than two days you should consult the dentist.
Causes of Swollen Gums – Glenhaven Winston Hills
Food Particle Between Teeth
If there is food stuck between any teeth for more than a day the surrounding gum will be affected. It will often swell and change colour to dark red or very pale pink. Quite likely the gum will also be sore.
If we remove the food, which may be firmly stuck, the swelling in the gum will almost always abate in a day or two. We can use floss or inter-dental brushes to remove food that is stubbornly stuck between teeth. We recommend frequently use of mouthwash to help disinfect the gum.
If the swelling persists after the the food is gone then the infection has started to spread. A situation like this needs to be looked after by the dentist.
This is a mild gum infection which causes swelling. It can be cured with diligent brushing, flossing and use of mouthwash. It may take anything from a week to a month for the condition to disappear.
If Gingivitis persists too long it may turn into the more serious condition known as Periodontitis.
Periodontal Disease (Periodontitis)
This is a serious infection that starts as swelling, discoloured gums, but soon leads to loss of bone and teeth. It is very serious and needs to be treated by a dentist.
Infected tooth
An infected tooth is serious and needs to be treated by a dentist. This may involve a root canal treatment. Despite the common misconception root canal treatments are not really painful. In fact they quickly remove the pain of the infected tooth.
Pregnant women sometimes suffer swollen gums, even if their dental health is otherwise fine. This is temporary, and will settle down without treatment.
Some individuals are allergic to certain foods or medications, leading to swollen gums. A dentist can help you isolate the cause of the problem, and recommend an alternative.
Kellyville Dentist
If you suffer any changes in you mouth it is best to see a dentist. Early intervention can prevent more serious problems later on.
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