Glenhaven Dental Glenhaven Dentist Glenhaven

That Twice a Year Appointment

Visit Glenhaven Dental Twice Per Year

Hopefully we had our first dental appointment when we were an infant, and have been faithfully going back every 6 months for the next appointment.

But why do we need this twice a year dental appointment?

It is a preventative measure, to give a cleaning that has three main benefits.

Glenhaven Dental Cleaning

Preventing Or Stopping Gum Disease –

Our gums can become infected quite easily if we are not careful. Brushing and flossing greatly reduce the chances of gum infections, but nobody is completely safe. We need to check for gum disease at least twice yearly, or at the first sign of symptoms.

Gum disease can initially appear as light pink or dark red/purple discolouration. Often there is gum bleeding, and soreness. If we experience this we need to consult the dentist.

If gum disease is caught early on it can be cured. But if it progresses too far, if it goes from Gingivitis to Periodontitis, it becomes permanent. This means we are left with a permanent infection that needs constant maintenance. Left untreated, and gum disease will cause the loss of teeth and bone.

The twice annual dental appointment will both inspect for gum disease and provides a cleaning that greatly reduces the chance of contracting gum disease. If you already have an infection the dentist can provide a treatment plan that may include antibacterial mouthwash and antibiotics.

Prevent Plaque on Teeth –

Plaque is the sticky film that is left on the teeth from bacteria that feed on sugar and other food debris. If this plaque is left on the teeth for a day or two it turns to tartar, a hard off-white substance that clings to teeth like glue, and is very difficult to remove.

The twice annual dental cleaning can remove plaque and tartar. Dentists and dental hygienists are the only people who can remove tartar. This dental cleaning has an advantage in being able to remove plaque and tartar from under the gum line, which is difficult to do with conventional brushing.

Protect from Tooth Decay –

Tooth decay is the first thing most people think of when they are warned about brushing their teeth. And this is with reasonable justification. Tooth decay is serious, though gum disease and other issues are also serious. A regular twice annual dental cleaning, combined with twice daily brushing, goes a long way to preventing tooth decay.

Very early damage to teeth, de-calcification of the enamel, can be reversed it detected in time. Fluoride can re-calcify the enamel. But once the tooth surface is lost the damage is permanent, and requires a filling or similar repair.

Glenhaven Dental

Having healthy teeth helps keep us in better overall heath. Twice a year dental visits and daily brushing go a long way towards giving us healthy teeth.

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